Tuesday, June 30, 2009

New Blog!

So I've decided to keep a new blog! There's a good chance I might be really gung-ho about it for a couple of days and then just kind of forget about it, but who knows? Maybe I actually will keep it up. When I was in Japan, it was easy to find things to write about because everyday was something new and an adventure. And now I have several friends who are abroad this summer and are keeping blogs, so I think I'm a little worried mine will be so dull in comparison. But then I was thinking that I have some pretty great stuff coming up this summer and this whole next school year and I would consider myself a fairly entertaining person who has adventures everyday, so it might not be so dreadful after all.

Since I've been home from Japan (I did make it back safely, even though I abruptly stopped my Japan blog at Easter) there have been many exciting things that have happened. When I got off the plane, I was warmly greeted by my parents, sister, and one month old niece, Sophie Joy. She is the most adorable, cheerful, and sweetest baby and I have loved spending time with her there past two months. She is generally all smiles and just seems so happy and carefree! My sister and Kevin are wonderful parents; they never seem panicked or worried when she's upset as I imagine I would be with a newborn.

This summer, I'm working for OnGoal Ministries again coaching soccer with other college-aged soccer players. I've done one camp so far, in Ann Arbor, but will be gone all of July doing camps in Michigan and Ohio. Last week, I was up at Bay Shore Camp in Sebewaing, MI. I grew up going to Bay Shore and love being a counselor and coach there now.

As I said, I have many friends who are out and about this summer and it's been fun reading about their trips and remembering the cultural shocks of mine. My friend Savannah is in Egypt doing missions work with other college students. One of my classmates, Mike, is now in Japan doing the same program I did through Spring Arbor. My best friend from home, Lauren, just left for Austria two days ago. She also gets to take trips in Italy and France and will probably have amazing pictures to go along with her stories. My former teammate Kara is teaching in India until August and my friend Julie is in Guatemala for the summer working on her Spanish and taking classes.

OK all for now. I'm home this week and relaxing a lot before a crazy July and soccer preseason in August!